
A trapezoid, also known as a trapezium, is a flat closed shape having 4 straight sides, with one pair of parallel sides. The parallel sides of a trapezium are known as the bases, and its non-parallel sides are called legs. A trapezium can also have parallel legs. The parallel sides can be horizontal, vertical or slanting.

Imaging Key Wrist Ligaments: What the Surgeon Needs …

The dorsoradial ligament extends from the dorsal radial tubercle of the trapezium to the base of the first metacarpal. The ligament is adjacent to the dorsal aspect of the abductor pollicis longus tendon. The dorsoradial ligament is typically best seen on sagittal sequences on one or two images obtained at 3-mm slice thickness .


Introducing the trapezium, a convex quadrilateral with a distinct feature of having one pair of its opposite sides parallel.This two-dimensional shape resembles a table when drawn on paper. In the realm of Euclidean Geometry, a quadrilateral, which includes the trapezium, is characterized by its four sides, four angles, and four vertices. The trapezium can be …

Kalkulator Area Trapesium | Temukan luas trapesium

Kalkulator Area Trapesium. Kalkulator memperkenalkan kalkulator luas trapesium yang akan digunakan untuk menghitung luas trapesium. (dihitung, 2019) Dimana, Anda harus memasukkan tiga nilai. "A" adalah basis 1. "B" adalah basis 2. "H" adalah ketinggian (ketinggian) Setelah Anda memasukkan nilai dasar dan panjang kemudian tekan tombol ...

Rumus Luas Trapesium dan Rumus Keliling Trapesium …

A. Pengertian Trapesium (Trapezoid) Trapesium adalah bangun datar dua dimensi yang tersusun oleh 4 buah sisi yaitu 2 buah sisi sejajar yang tidak sama panjang dan 2 buah sisi lainnya. Bangun datar trapesium termasuk jenis bangun datar segi empat atau quadrilateral, karena mempunyai 4 buah sisi. B. Sifat-Sifat Trapesium Merupakan …

The Carpometacarpal Joint of the Thumb: Stability, …

articular surface of the trapezium.75 Although maxi-mal in opposition, only 53% of the surface area of the trapezium is in contact with the metacarpal.45 Full opposition incorporates at least 45° to 60° of medial rotation of the thumb. Axial rotation of the thumb as a whole occurs primarily at the CMC joint,

Surgical Management of the Trapezium Canal …

This procedure decompresses the FCR at the trapezium canal and removes the conflict between the bone and the tendon that causes pain and functional impairment …


Trapezium can be defined as the four-sided figure which is closed and has one pair of parallel sides opposite to each other and the other pair of sides are non-parallel. It is a quadrilateral, which is convex in shape which has 4 sides, 4 angles and 4 vertices. The sum of all the angles present interiorly is 360 degrees.

Area of trapeziums

The area of a trapezium is the average length of its parallel sides multiplied by the perpendicular height. This is shown by the. formula. 𝑨 = ½ (𝒂 + 𝒃)𝒉. The parallel sides of a ...

Trapeziectomy information factsheet

trapezium, which is one of the smaller bones in the wrist. The medical name for the joint is the 'first carpo-metacarpal joint', commonly known as the basal joint of the thumb. It is a …

Is Thumb Joint Replacement Surgery Right for …

It is an excellent, pain-relieving surgery that doesn't require fusion of the thumb joint, and therefore preserves the thumb motion.". Hays says that during thumb joint surgery, "the surgeon ...

Surgical Treatment of Trapeziometacarpal Joint Arthritis: A

subtotal resection of the trapezium or resection and implant arthroplasty. Proponents initially report high levels of patient satisfaction, but longer-term reports sometimes fail to support initial good results. To date, no one procedure has been shown to be superior to another. Questions/purposes This review sought to identify factors responsible for the …

Rumus Trapesium Siku Siku: Keliling, Luas, dan Contoh Soalnya

Setiap jenis trapesium memiliki sifat dan karakteristik yang berbeda-beda. Berikut penjelasannya: 1. Trapesium Sama Kaki. Trapesium sama kaki mempunyai sepasang sisi sama panjang dan memiliki satu simetri lipat beserta satu simetri putar. Trapesium sama kaki memiliki sifat-sifat sebagai berikut: 2. Trapesium Siku-Siku.

What is a Trapezium?

Trapezium. A trapezium is a shape that is 2D and is known by its property of having two opposite parallel sides, rather than all four like a square. Keep reading to find out more about calculating the area of a trapezium, and more! Download FREE teacher-made resources covering 'Trapezium'. View FREE Resources.


Aplikasi menghitung luas dan keliling kubus Gambar 4.7 Kode Program Segitiga Sama Kaki Karena yang dibuat adalah segitiga samakaki maka dalam merumuskan kode program harus kita ketahui sisimiring. Penulis …

Rumus Trapesium

Contoh Soal Trapesium : Sebuah trapesium mempunyai sisi sejajar masing-masing 12 cm dan 15 cm serta mempunyai tinggi 10 cm. Luas trapesium tersebut ialah …. Jawab: L = ½ × jumlah rusuk yang sejajar × tinggi. L = ½ × (12 + 15) × 10 = 135 cm². Hasilnya yaitu: L= 135 cm².

Trapeziectomy for basal thumb osteoarthritis does …

Background. Symptomatic osteoarthritis of the basal joint of the thumb (trapeziometacarpal joint) is a common disabling condition mainly affecting women. It is …

Therapist's Management of the Thumb Carpometacarpal …

A shallow groove in the transverse diameter of the trapezium helps to guide the concurrent 45 to 60 degrees medial rotation of the metacarpal. Figure 106-3 . The arthrokinematics of flexion at the CMC joint of the thumb. Note that flexion is associated with a slight medial rotation, causing elongation in the radial collateral ligament.

Trapeziectomy: Preparation, Recovery, Long-Term …

A trapeziectomy is a surgery used to treat trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis, also known as thumb arthritis. Osteoarthritisis the …

Trapeziectomy with Ligament Reconstruction and …

Background. Trapeziectomy with ligament reconstruction and tendon interposition (LRTI) with the flexor carpi radialis (FCR) tendon is one of the most …

Five Surgeries for Thumb Arthritis | Arthritis Foundation

Ligament Reconstruction and Tendon Interposition (LRTI) In use for more than 40 years, LRTI is the most commonly performed surgery for thumb arthritis. The damaged joint surfaces are removed and replaced with a cushion of tissue that keeps the bones separated. To accomplish this, surgeons remove all or part of the trapezium bone in the wrist at ...

STT arthritis

Summary. Scaphotrapeziotrapezoidal (STT) arthritis is the second most common location for carpal arthritis, and a strong association exists between STT and thumb carpal-metacarpal joint arthritis. STT arthritis us diagnosed clinically with with pain and weakness in grip strength with radiographs showing narrowing and subchondral sclerosis at ...

Carpometacarpal Joint Arthroplasty: Preparation, Recovery, …

Carpometacarpal joint arthroplasty is a surgical procedure in which the trapezium, one of the carpal bones of the wrist that forms part of the thumb joint, is removed and replaced with an implant.This procedure can help manage symptoms of thumb arthritis by decreasing pain and improving use of the thumb for gripping, pinching, and grasping …

Carpometacarpal Joint Arthroplasty: Preparation, …

CMC joint arthroplasty typically involves a trapeziectomy, a surgical procedure in which the trapezium bone is removed from the wrist. Once the trapezium …

Menghitung Integral Tertentu secara Numerik dengan Aturan Trapesium

Perkiraan untuk kesalahan pemotongan lokal dari satu aplikasi aturan trapesium adalah. di mana 𝜉 terletak di suatu tempat dalam interval dari a ke b. Persamaan di atas menunjukkan bahwa jika fungsi yang diintegrasikan linier, hasil dari aturan trapesium akan tepat. Jika tidak, untuk fungsi dengan turunan orde kedua dan lebih tinggi (yaitu ...

The Uncommon Trapezium Fracture: A Case Series

An isolated trapezium fracture is a rare injury, with an incidence of 1 to 5%. 1 In our department, we diagnosed four (2.5%) trapezium fractures out of a total of 158 carpal fractures in 6 years. In most cases, a trapezium fracture also accompanies other injuries such as Rolando's fracture, Bennett's fracture dislocation, scaphoid fracture, and ...

Surgery for thumb (trapeziometacarpal joint) …

Seven surgical procedures were identified (trapeziectomy with ligament reconstruction and tendon interposition (LRTI), trapeziectomy, trapeziectomy with …

Carpometacarpal dislocation of the thumb associated with fracture of

Abstract. Carpometacarpal dislocation (CMC) of the thumb associated with fracture of trapezium is an extremely rare injury, with only 12 cases that sustained similar injuries reported in the literature. In this article, another patient with this rare injury was reported, and all previously published cases were extensively reviewed.

Membuat Aplikasi GUI Sederhana pada Netbeans IDE

Tahap Pembuatan Aplikasi GUI. 1) Buat sebuah project baru pada Netbeans IDE, pilih Categories Java lalu Projects Java Application. 2) Berinama Project tersebut dan hilangkan ceklis pada Create Main Class karena kita akan menggunakan Class JFrame. lalu klik Finish. 3) Buat Class JFrame dengan cara, Klik kanan pada

Kalkulator Integral

Unduh Aplikasi Kalkulator Integral untuk Ponsel Anda, Jadi Anda dapat menghitung nilai Anda di tangan Anda. Kalkulator integral online membantu Anda mengevaluasi integral fungsi yang terkait dengan variabel yang terlibat dan menunjukkan kepada Anda perhitungan langkah demi langkah lengkap. Ketika sampai pada kalkulasi integral tak …

kapasitas pennggilingan mikro besar

kapasitas pennggilingan mikro besar; Mengonversi farad [F] —> mikrofarad [μF, uF] Satu farad menggambarkan kapasitansi yang luar biasa besar untuk konduktor yang diisolasi. Misalnya, bola logam yang diisolasi dengan jari-jari 13 kali lebih besar dari Matahari akan memiliki kapasitansi satu farad, sementara kapasitansi bola logam dengan jari ...

Accessory ossicles of the wrist | Radiology Reference Article

Citation, DOI, disclosures and article data. Accessory ossicles of the wrist are commonly seen on plain radiographs of the wrist and associated cross-sectional imaging. Over 20 were originally described 2, although the more common include 1: lunula : between TFCC and triquetrum. os styloideum (carpal boss): on dorsal surface of 2 nd or 3 rd ...

What is a trapeziectomy?

What is a trapeziectomy? Osteoarthritis can occur in the trapezium, which is the cube-shaped bone in your wrist that is joined to the base of your thumb (the …


A trapezoid is a four-sided closed shape or figure which cover some area and also has its perimeter. It is a 2D figure and not 3D figure. The sides which are parallel to each other are termed the bases of the trapezoid. …

Scaphoid | Radiology Reference Article | Radiopaedia

The scaphoid is the largest of the proximal row of carpal bones and sits on the radial side of the lunate. It is a boat-shaped bone that is oriented obliquely with its long axis aligned from the medial portion of the distal radius proximally to the articulation of the 1 st and 2 nd metacarpals distally. The scaphoid can be divided into proximal ...

Trapezium: Definition, Formula, Types & Properties

A trapezium is a quadrilateral with no parallel sides. It has two pairs of parallel sides and at least one pair of opposite sides that are not parallel. A rhombus is a quadrilateral with four congruent sides. A rhombus also has two pairs of equal adjacent angles and two pairs of equal opposite angles. A trapezium is a polygon in geometry that ...

Area of Trapezium

Area of trapezium is the number of unit squares that can fit into the trapezium, and it is measured in square units. The trapezium, which is also known as the trapezoid, is a closed quadrilateral that contains a pair of parallel sides, whereas the other pair of sides are not parallel. The sides may or may not vary in length. The parallel sides …

Trapesium: luas dan keliling — kalkulator online, rumus-rumus

luas dan keliling » trapesium Luas dan keliling trapesium. Trapesium adalah jajaran genjang yang mempunyai sepasang sisi yang sejajar. Sisi yang sejajar disebut alas, yang tidak sejajar adalah kaki-kakinya.

aplikasi penggilingan trapezium

aplikasi proses penggilingan bola - MTW Seri Eropa Trapezium Penggilingan - … Aplikasi penggilingan konvensional - Jan 15, 2021-1. Gunakan roda penggilingan resin untuk menggiling permukaan silinder, permukaan kerucut dan permukaan bahu poros, lengan dan jenis bagian lain pada mesin penggilingan silinder atau mesin penggiling universal.

Comminuted Trapezium Fracture: Case Presentation and Review

The trapezium is an important component aiding in the versatile range of motion of the thumb. Early detection of trapezium fractures can help prevent permanent impairment such as chronic pain, joint stiffness, and reduced grip strength [4, 5]. There are limited reports of trapezium fractures and no consensus on the management of these …